Become a Funny T-Shirts Brand Ambassador!

Earn commission by promoting our products via social media! Life’s a Joke, Dress Accordingly 😂



What is a Brand Ambassador?

As a Brand Ambassador, you are responsible for promoting our products on social media. In return you will receive a commission per sale.

What are the eligibility requirements?

We review all applicants on a case by case basis. However, having an established social media following is preferred.

I'm interested! How do I apply?

Apply to become a Funny T-Shirts brand ambassador by filling out the short form above - It takes less than a minute to complete!

When do I get paid?

When a product is purchased using your affiliate link, the commission is marked as pending for 28 days. After the holding period has ended, your commission will be processed to your preferred payment method.

I applied but I haven’t heard back yet, does that mean I am unsuccessful?

We try to get back to all applicants within 7 days. However due to the high volume of applications, occasionally this may take a little longer.